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Will we get a second season of De Bauers?

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Jennifer Lopez releases new album and accompanying film on Prime Video

.tdb_single_subtitle{margin-bottom:14px}.tdb_single_subtitle p,.tdb_single_subtitle h1,.tdb_single_subtitle h2,.tdb_single_subtitle h3,.tdb_single_subtitle h4{font-family:'Open Sans','Open Sans Regular',sans-serif;font- size:16px;font-style:italic;font-weight:300;line-height:24px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#747474}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-center{ text-align:center}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-right{text-align:right}.td-theme-wrap .tdi_70{text-align:left}.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2, .tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4{line-height:1.3!important}@media (min-width:1019px) and (max-width:1140px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3, .tdi_70 h4{font-size:14px!important}}@media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1018px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4 {font-size:14px!important}}@media (max-width:767px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70...

Why some people can’t get a bite down their throat in the morning

While you normally wake up with a growling stomach and cannot function without three sandwiches, there are also people who do not eat breakfast at...

Top 10: Best lunch restaurants in Amsterdam West

Amsterdam is full of nice and tasty lunch restaurants. You have plenty of choice in every district and so also in West. Where...

Influencer Mareike Schneider has become a mother for the first time!

Finally the time has come! In June of this year, the former Mareike Schneider (37) announced sweet news: she is expecting a baby for the first time! For The Biggest Loser coach, that didn't mean she was giving up...

Timo Glock finds it difficult to accept Schumacher’s condition

In 2013 everything had changed! This month marks the tenth anniversary of Michael Schumacher's (54) skiing accident. The Formula 1 legend was seriously injured in a fall during his winter vacation in the French Alps. Since then, things...

Chloe Ferry and on-off boyfriend Johnny Wilbo are planning babies!

The two of them just can't live without each other! In December 2022, Chloe Ferry (28) and Johnny Wilbo's relationship broke up due to his infidelity. The fans were probably expecting a final end - but recently the couple...

This is the effect of summer time on your body

The clock has gone forward an hour. This weekend, daylight saving time started, which means the clocks went forward one hour. The good news is that from now on it will stay light longer in the evening, but the bad news...

5 nail polish colors for summer 2024

We look forward to it every summer: which colors are...

Mother’s Day idea: pamper your mother with this gift tip

.tdb_single_subtitle{margin-bottom:14px}.tdb_single_subtitle p,.tdb_single_subtitle h1,.tdb_single_subtitle h2,.tdb_single_subtitle h3,.tdb_single_subtitle h4{font-family:'Open Sans','Open Sans Regular',sans-serif;font- size:16px;font-style:italic;font-weight:300;line-height:24px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#747474}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-center{ text-align:center}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-right{text-align:right}.td-theme-wrap .tdi_70{text-align:left}.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2, .tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4{line-height:1.3!important}@media (min-width:1019px) and (max-width:1140px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3, .tdi_70...

Bachelor Paul responds to rumors: is he a lawyer or not?

We are getting to know the Bachelors Paul Roos and...



Recycling queen: Máxima wore a seventeen-year-old dress

.tdb_single_subtitle{margin-bottom:14px}.tdb_single_subtitle p,.tdb_single_subtitle h1,.tdb_single_subtitle h2,.tdb_single_subtitle h3,.tdb_single_subtitle h4{font-family:var(--td_default_google_font_1,'Open Sans','Open Sans Regular',sans-serif);font-size:16px;font-style:italic;font-weight:300;line-height:24px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#747474}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-center{text-align:center}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-right{text-align:right}.td-theme-wrap .tdi_70{text-align:left}.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4{line-height:1.3!important}@media (min-width:1019px) and (max-width:1140px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4{font-size:14px!important}}@media (min-width:768px)...

‘Scripting’ is the best new manifestation technique according to TikTok

Do you ever wish you could write out...

This is how Iris Klein deals with hate messages on social media!

Iris Klein (56) has dominated the tabloid headlines in recent months together with her ex Peter Klein (56)! The huge War of the...

Simon Keizer breaks silence: new song released together with Paul de Leeuw

Simon Keizer remained rather in the shadows after...

According to your zodiac sign, this is your favorite winter activity

The cold winter weather has finally arrived. ...
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