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Quotes to hold on to in 2024

Quotes are often better at describing and conveying a feeling than you are. That is why there are many quotes that are often used....

Tidying up stress? Try the ‘five things’ method

When your house is really a mess, it can be very difficult to find the motivation to clean up. You have a lot of...

This Bridgerton actress is the daughter of two Downton Abbey actors

.tdb_single_subtitle{margin-bottom:14px}.tdb_single_subtitle p,.tdb_single_subtitle h1,.tdb_single_subtitle h2,.tdb_single_subtitle h3,.tdb_single_subtitle h4{font-family:'Open Sans','Open Sans Regular',sans-serif;font- size:16px;font-style:italic;font-weight:300;line-height:24px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#747474}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-center{ text-align:center}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-right{text-align:right}.td-theme-wrap .tdi_70{text-align:left}.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2, .tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4{line-height:1.3!important}@media (min-width:1019px) and (max-width:1140px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3, .tdi_70 h4{font-size:14px!important}}@media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1018px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4 {font-size:14px!important}}@media (max-width:767px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70...

Patty Brard about Luv’ interpretation in Patty series

.tdb_single_subtitle{margin-bottom:14px}.tdb_single_subtitle p,.tdb_single_subtitle h1,.tdb_single_subtitle h2,.tdb_single_subtitle h3,.tdb_single_subtitle h4{font-family:'Open Sans','Open Sans Regular',sans-serif;font- size:16px;font-style:italic;font-weight:300;line-height:24px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#747474}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-center{ text-align:center}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-right{text-align:right}.td-theme-wrap .tdi_70{text-align:left}.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2, .tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4{line-height:1.3!important}@media (min-width:1019px) and (max-width:1140px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3, .tdi_70 h4{font-size:14px!important}}@media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1018px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4 {font-size:14px!important}}@media (max-width:767px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70...

“Barbie” director Greta Gerwig has married her Noah!

You said "yes! Greta Gerwig (40) can look back on a great year: With the Barbie film, which she directed, she celebrated mega successes all over the world and made history. But things are also going great for the...

OMG! The special Van Gogh Pokémon card will soon be available in these Dutch stores

Maybe you are one of the many Pokémon fans who missed the special Van Gogh Pokémon card at the time. The chaos in the...

Martien Meiland reveals: new season Chateau Meiland is set abroad

The Meilandjes will still be very popular in 2024. The new TV program Chateau Meiland VIPS will start soon, but even more will follow...

“Storm of Love” star Viola Wedekind had to undergo surgery

Viola Wedekind (45) makes worrying news public! The actress was in front of the camera for Storm of Love until 2022. But she also repeatedly draws attention to herself with her private life. Your ex-partner Michael Fischer met...

“Positive and inspiring”: Co-star raves about Tom Cruise

She seems to like him! Tom Cruise (61) celebrated his big breakthrough in 1986 with the film Top Gun. With productions like “Rain Man”...

Royal deception: is Queen Máxima’s dress purple or blue?

Is Máxima's dress purple or dark blue? Red or orange? Due to circumstances, the queen's outfits can really fool us. I already mentioned it in the blog about the new...

“Flames from the Plane”: Kevin Hart almost died!

You wouldn't have wanted to trade places with him! Kevin Hart (44) has been an integral part of the Hollywood film industry for years. ...



Princess Laurentien: “Beauty comes from within.”

She is a world improver on many fronts and since today she has another position. Princess Laurentien is guest editor-in-chief of the new...

B&B Vol Liefde-Iris already reveals new season: ‘Something happened’

Iris, one of the B&B owners in the...

Future as Queen: Is Duchess Meghan jealous of Kate?

Is Princess Kate (41) living the life that Duchess Meghan (42) wants? The sisters-in-law led very similar lives until a few years ago....

Miljuschka candid about losing weight: ‘Notice that it becomes more difficult every day’

.tdb_single_subtitle{margin-bottom:14px}.tdb_single_subtitle p,.tdb_single_subtitle h1,.tdb_single_subtitle h2,.tdb_single_subtitle h3,.tdb_single_subtitle h4{font-family:'Open Sans','Open Sans Regular',sans-serif;font- size:16px;font-style:italic;font-weight:300;line-height:24px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#747474}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-center{ text-align:center}.tdb_single_subtitle.tdb-content-horiz-right{text-align:right}.td-theme-wrap .tdi_70{text-align:left}.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2, .tdi_70 h3,.tdi_70 h4{line-height:1.3!important}@media (min-width:1019px) and (max-width:1140px){.tdi_70 p,.tdi_70 h1,.tdi_70 h2,.tdi_70...

Shortly after birth: Whitney Cummings shows off her after-baby body

Whitney Cummings (41) stands by her body. At the end of the year, the comedian reported with good news. The American became...
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