These cheeses have a positive influence on your night’s sleep

Like real Dutchies, we are of course crazy about cheese. Cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Nothing is too crazy for us. You can even add it to your list of late night snacks, because it turns out that this dairy product has a very positive influence on your night’s sleep! Do you like to sleep well with cheese? That sounds heavenly…

Also read: This is why sleeping next to a snoring partner is bad for your health

Health benefits of cheese

Besides the fact that cheeses are incredibly tasty, our favorite sandwich filling also has a lot of health benefits. It is good for your memory and helps you maintain attention and focus. But, we have discovered that cheese is also good for something completely different, namely: a good night’s sleep! We’ll explain it to you.

Cheeses for a good night’s sleep

Previously, there was some speculation that cheese would actually have negative influences on your night’s sleep. This dairy product supposedly causes nightmares, insomnia and stomach and intestinal complaints! However, no scientific evidence has been found for this. What has been proven is that cheese actually has a positive influence on your sleep. BRB cutting some cheese.

Sweet dreams are made of cheese

The British Cheese Board conducted research into a link between cheese and negative influences on your night’s sleep. These were not found, but the opposite was! The majority of participants in the study reported that they slept very well after eating cheese. The reason for this is the substance tryptophan contained in the product.

Tryptophan promotes the chemical serotonin in your body, and this chemical in turn promotes the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. In addition, cheese is also packed with calcium, which appears to help against stress.

Which cheese?

Now we have always talked about cheese in a general sense, but there are many different types of cheese. Some naturally contain more tryptophan than others, making one cheese better than another for a late night snack. In any case, non-fat cheeses have a higher tryptophan content. For example, it is better not to eat Brie, 48+ cheese and Roquefort. If you choose cottage cheese, mozzarella, 10+ cheese and goat cheese, you are in the right place.





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