‘Scripting’ is the best new manifestation technique according to TikTok

Do you ever wish you could write out your life as some kind of script? According to TikTok, this is possible! ‘Scripting’ is a manifestation technique that is very popular and also very powerful. This is how it works.

What is scripting?

Scripting is a manifestation technique where you write down your wishes. You write down what you want your future to look like. It is important that you describe this with many details. The key to success with scripting is to write down exactly what you want. Be very clear. For example, if you want to manifest more happiness for the new year, visualize what makes you want to be happy. Consider, for example, a new job, new relationship or a new place of residence. Manifest with a clear goal in mind, this will make your manifestation very powerful. In addition to being clear about what you want, it is also good to imagine how you would feel in this future situation. How would you feel if the manifestation comes true? Also visualize your goals in your head. Who are the people with you? Where are you? Visualizing your goals makes manifesting them a lot easier. So really dive into your fantasy world while writing. You are the main character in your story and you determine the storyline.

This is how you manifest through scripting

Once you’ve written down what you want to manifest, you can actually manifest it. One way to do this is through meditation. Sit comfortably in a quiet room and place your written script in front of you. Meditate by breathing in and out slowly. Focus on your breathing and allow yourself to completely relax. Once you’re completely zen, dive into your script. Visualize your desired future as if you were already living in it. Do this for ten to fifteen minutes and repeat a few times a week.

Another way to make your script a reality is through journaling. Here you write a script that is about one specific day. So you don’t write down what you really experienced that day, but what your future self would experience in your ideal future. This makes your script increasingly accessible, because you do it step by step. Now it actually feels accessible instead of an impossible dream.

@lauragalebe TRUST ME. Come back at the end of 2023 and tell me if EVERYTHING you wrote didn’t happen. #manifestation #scripting #scriptingmanifestation #visionboard #visionboard2023 #manifestationtips #scriptingmanifestation #lawofassumption ♬ original sound – Laura Galebe





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