Timo Glock finds it difficult to accept Schumacher’s condition

Timo Glock finds it difficult to accept Schumacher's condition

In 2013 everything had changed! This month marks the tenth anniversary of Michael Schumacher’s (54) skiing accident. The Formula 1 legend was seriously injured in a fall during his winter vacation in the French Alps. Since then, things have been quiet around the racing driver. There is little information about his health condition. Now speak out Michaels Friend Timo Glock (41) about the devastating incident!

On the anniversary of the stroke of fate, the former Formula 1 driver finds thoughtful words. “Every year when this date comes up, everyone is reminded and thinks about what if things had been different and more positive,” he tells MegaDice.com. “That’s life, but it’s hard to accept because he’s such a legend for the sport, and it’s certainly not an easy time for the family,” the athlete continues sadly.

Also the ex-manager Willy Weber (81) remembers his former protégé and expresses a fear. “If I now Michael Unfortunately, I think I no longer have any hope of seeing him again. No positive news after ten years,” he explains in an interview with Express.

Michael Schumacher 2006 in Madonna di Campiglio, Italy
Michael Schumacher 2006 in Madonna di Campiglio, Italy
Michael Schumacher, racing driver
Michael Schumacher, racing driver
Michael Schumacher and Willi Weber, 2002
Michael Schumacher and Willi Weber, 2002





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