Victoria is the queen of the royal pantsuit

Some people love them, others find them boring or dull: opinions vary widely about trouser suits. Victoria of Sweden certainly loves it. There is a rainbow of trouser suits in her closet.

Several variants were discussed in April. Let’s start with an orange trouser suit, which came into view during a meeting with the chairman of the Center Party. A white top underneath and Victoria was ready to go.

Photo: Henrik Garlöv/Kungl. Hovstaterna

A day later, the princess opted for a monochrome look from The Extreme Collection.

Photo: Henrik Garlöv/Kungl. Hovstaterna

During a two-day visit to SeaBOS, Victoria wore a light blue pair from Zara. Here again a white blouse. Too bad, because with light blue there is so much possible in terms of countercolor.

Photo ©BSR

On the second day she wore a dark blue trouser suit from Veronica Beard. Did you know that she has almost the same jacket from H&M?

Photo ©BSR

On April 15, she wore the exact same pantsuit, but in a cobalt blue color (label: Veronica Beard).

Photo ©BSR

More pantsuits

By the way, Victoria also wore quite a few trouser suits before April 2024. We have listed a number of them for you. A gray-blue pantsuit with a wide belt. Label: Rodebjer.

Photo ©PPE/Nieboer

Bright pink for Haakon and Mette-Marit’s official visit to Sweden.

Photo ©PPE/Nieboer

Bright green in Amsterdam! Label: Zara.

Photo ©PPE/Nieboer

A sand-colored pantsuit from Filippa K.

Photo ©PPE/Nieboer

A completely different trouser suit. A checked copy from By Malina.

Photo ©PPE/Nieboer

She also has a blue diamond trump card in her closet.


Another trouser suit from Rodebjer.

Photo ©Sara Friberg, Kungahuset

Every now and then a scarf pops up for a change.


As mentioned, opinions about a royal pantsuit vary widely. Some people find them chic and modern, others find them not distinctive (read: royal) enough for a queen or princess. What do you think? Are you Team Pantsuit or not?





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