Dining in Soestdijk Palace? This is your chance!

You don’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

We all sometimes dream of living like a royal. Wearing designer pieces, strolling through luxurious palaces, dining with haute cuisine, and enjoying the good life – we conveniently forget all the royal duties that come with such a role. If you want to feel like a real royal for an evening, we have good news!

Visit the palace

Many of the palaces we have in the Netherlands can only be visited to a very limited extent. Well: not only are these impressive buildings often well-protected monuments, but of course our Oranjes also live and work there. And to now open your living room to the general public? That goes very far.

In addition to the various tours that you can take in, for example, the Palace on Dam Square or Noordeinde Palace, there has now been another unique opportunity to follow in the footsteps of our royal family!

Dinner at the palace

This week it was announced that Soestdijk Palace is one of the locations of the traveling restaurant De Maaltuin. This means that you can enjoy your meal in style under the chandeliers of the palace where the late Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard raised their offspring. Yes, you read that right: the place where princesses Beatrix, Irene, Margriet, and Christina grew up, opens its doors for a unique dining experience!

De Maaltuin reports that the dinner and experience are based on the exhibition The Women of Soestdijk, which is currently on display in the palace. While enjoying live music, guests are served a royal five-course dinner with matching wines or mocktails. Additionally, you can choose from four different unique locations within the palace to enjoy your dinner. You can choose from a culinary experience in the White Dining Room, the corner salon, the empire salon, or Wilhelmina’s apartment.

You can probably get a taste of the atmosphere in the beautiful trailer:

Soestdijk Palace

It is not the first time that De Maaltuin has settled on the estate. They previously organized dinners in the stables of the palace, and until the end of last year you could enjoy all kinds of culinary delights in the coach house.

But now for the first time there is the opportunity to actually dine in the palace. This will also be the only time this is possible, so it won’t surprise you that tickets for this event are selling like hotcakes. If you are missing the net: De Maaltuin is also organizing a series of dinners this summer in the greenhouses of Soestdijk Palace, and offers dinners all year round at unique, monumental locations throughout the Netherlands. In short: plenty of fun things to do in the culinary field!

Source: De Maaltuin, Soestdijk Palace | Image: NL Image





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