An office job? This way you can exercise well after work

You have an office job and work behind a desk from nine to five. With maybe a half-hour break you don’t move much. Sitting is bad for you and you notice it. It is therefore good to exercise or exercise after work. Here are examples of exercise you do in the evening.

This way you can exercise well after work

Sitting is bad

Sitting is not good for your body and is also called the new smoking. When you sit on a chair, your body no longer has to do much itself, so after a certain time you will have complaints such as back pain, neck pain and in the long term osteoporosis (bone decalcification), diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. It takes away our energy and we feel tired and empty after a while. So it’s high time to catch up on some of this in the evening.

A walk after dinner

So you sit all day, don’t go outside much and are productive all the time. You’re in your head all the time, which gives you little to no time to think about anything else. Often you don’t stop doing that when you go home. If you take the train you are probably on your phone to avoid ‘boredom’ and at home we have to go back to the children, make sure there is food on the table or watch a new episode of that series. So it’s a good idea to take a moment to relax and be outside. A walk after dinner is nice for this. It de-stresses, ensures a better night’s sleep and, because you do it after dinner, it stimulates your digestion and helps maintain healthy blood pressure and better fat metabolism. So take a nice walk after dinner!

Cycling or walking

You may have heard this before, but try walking or cycling to work. When you cycle you also get out of your head for a while. Is it not possible due to the distance? Then try things that give you some exercise. Get off one stop in front at the stop where you always have to get off or park the car in a place where you can still walk a short distance to the office. This way you’ll be outside for a while.

To play sports

Maybe not always motivation, but for people with an office job, sports that you do in the evening are a great way to stay fit. There are plenty of sports that you practice in the evening, because you are certainly not the only one. Think of running, jogging or taking dance lessons or yoga. There is always an opportunity, if you make the time and inclination for it.

Tip: look forward to your sports evening during work. This way you motivate yourself to have a good time. It’s good for you and it also does a lot for you mentally. Sweat away that stress. It does you good.





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