Prince Albert takes twins for an evening at the circus

The twins had a great time with their father.

Last week we saw the Grimaldis appear en masse for the opening ceremony of the 50th annual circus festival, and in the past week the Monegasque royals have regularly been in the audience. Last night it was also the turn of twins Jacques and Gabriella to enjoy a fantastic show with dad Albert and a number of other family members.

Festival du Cirque

Exactly fifty years ago, the late Prince Rainier III, Prince Albert’s father, founded the now much-loved Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo. Every year, acrobats, clowns, animal tamers and daredevils show their skills in the circus ring, and the greatest performers are rewarded with various prestigious prizes.

After Rainier, daughter Stéphanie took over as chairman of the organization, and that is why she and her family were of course present. And even better: Steph actually had a very rare smile!

festival circus monaco
Image: NL Image

Well, we know that the princess has lost her heart to the circus before. This proves once again that you can take the highness out of the circus, but the circus cannot take the highness out of the highness!

Family outing

In addition to Stéphanie, daughter Camille Gottlieb and son Louis Ducruet, Albert and his twins were also present.

Image: NL Image

And they are apparently having a great time on this night out with Dad! While Gabriella usually poses for snapshots with healthy reluctance, the young princess is beaming next to her aunt, father, brother and niece. Maybe the festive circus souvenirs that both kids have in their hands have something to do with that?

No Charlene

It is striking that Charlene missed the opportunity, but that her brother Gareth Wittstock and his wife, Roisin, did make an appearance with their offspring. Who knows: maybe Charlene will show up at one of the other festival nights?

The grand awards gala is scheduled for tomorrow, and the winning acts will perform shows in Monte Carlo for the rest of the week. Enough circus entertainment for the Serene Highnesses to enjoy themselves with!

Source: | Image: NL Image





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