James Cameron saved Guillermo del Toro’s kidnapped father!

James Cameron saved Guillermo del Toro's kidnapped father!

This is a service of friendship. James Cameron (69) is one of the most successful filmmakers in the world. Most recently, “Avatar: The Way of Water” took cinemas by storm. At the beginning of the year it was even announced that the science fiction adventure grossed around two billion US dollars, making it one of the most successful films of all time. James but doesn’t just seem to be a hero for the cinema. His friend’s father Guillermo del Toro (59) he even freed her from a kidnapping.

That’s chatting Guillermo now in the podcast “ReelBlend”. The director and his colleagues have had a close friendship since their beginnings. Being such a close friend James was immediately at his side when his father was kidnapped by gangsters in 1998 Guillermo. “When my father was kidnapped, he paid off the negotiator because the situation was so desperate. He just took control, talked to the hostage negotiator and did everything himself,” says the Mexican-born man James‘ Heroic act.

That must have finally sealed the friendship between the two star filmmakers. They met in 1992 when Guillermo was at the beginning of his career. “We first met at a barbecue at Ron Perlman’s house. I had just finished Cronos and he had finished Terminator 2,” recalls the Shape of Water director. Later the two even founded a shared apartment.

James Cameron in December 2022
James Cameron in December 2022
James Cameron and Guillermo del Toro
James Cameron and Guillermo del Toro
Guillermo del Toro and James Cameron at the "Hellboy" premiere in 2004
Guillermo del Toro and James Cameron at the “Hellboy” premiere in 2004





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