Winter flu? It is best to eat this so that you can recover quickly

Autumn means the time of the flu. Unfortunately, we just have to deal with it. But how do we get back on track as quickly as possible? You will feel better again with the next meal. Read on!

Eating when you have the winter flu

1. Soup

We start with a delicious soup! Preferably chicken soup. Flu is often accompanied by a stuffy nose and coughing. What can best help against this? The steam of soup of symptoms relieve. Did you know that chicken soup, based on stock, has an anti-inflammatory effect? This prevents the development of mucus. It really makes you feel better.

2. Ginger

Are you really nauseous? Fortunately, we have something for this, namely ginger tea. Ginger has a positive effect on your stomach and digestion, but it also certainly helps against a sore throat. Oh yes, and it will make you sweat. That’s exactly what you have to do during the flu.

3. Garlic

Do you love garlic as much as we do? Are you lucky, during your winter flu this will give you a huge boost to your immune system. No, you don’t have to nibble it, you can just swallow a few small pieces. Or you can of course make a delicious meal with it, but if the garlic dominates, it doesn’t matter. Is not it nice?

4. Toast

Is your stomach completely upset, but you want to eat something? Then don’t eat too heavy. A toasted sandwich is a good idea. For example, eat it with a cup of soup or spread it with a light topping.

5. Ice

Who doesn’t like ice cream? It is ideal for your sore throat. Popsicles ease the pain. What also helps is drinking water with ice cubes in it. In any case, it is good to drink a lot of water when you have the flu. Especially if you have the flu. Of course, your body should not become dehydrated.

6. Lemon and grapefruit

Did you know that lemon and grapefruit are really your allies when it comes to the flu? They contain a lot of vitamin C. They also contain many flavonoids that strengthen your immune system. In addition to the cintrus fruits, kiwis, red peppers, pineapples and Brussels sprouts also contain a lot of vitamin C. You may just have to feel like it, but it helps.

7. Proteins

During the flu you feel a lot weaker because you have less appetite. What best helps against this? Eating enough proteins. Try to eat light foods with some protein. Think of chicken, egg, fish or mushrooms.





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