Scary: Busy Philipp’s child (15) had a severe attack!

Scary: Busy Philipp's child (15) had a severe seizure!

All she could do was watch! Busy Philipps (44) and Marc Silverstein have two children together: the ten-year-old Cricket Pearl Silverstein and the teenager who is four years older Birdie Leigh Silverstein. In the fall, the parents had to say goodbye to their eldest offspring because he was attending school in Sweden. And this represents a big challenge for both of them – because Birdie recently had a frightening seizure at boarding school!

In her podcast Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best, the mother recounts the heartbreaking experience she had over a video call: “Birdie tried to grab the camera and called out to me: ‘Mom. Mom. Where are you? Mom!'” The fact that she couldn’t be with the 15-year-old in such terrible moments was particularly difficult for the mother of two. “The friend who was at Birdie was holding the cell phone camera in his hand,” explains Busy and adds: “So I could see everything that happened. It was very bad!” This was not the first attack.

The actress had already revealed private details about her offspring in the past. She revealed on her podcast: “Birdie told us when she was ten years old, […] that she is lesbian and genderqueer.” Her child had previously given his mother permission to address the topic publicly.

Busy Philipps with her daughters Cricket and Birdie in April 2016
Busy Philipps with her daughters Cricket and Birdie in April 2016
Daughter Birdie and Busy Philipps in April 2022
Daughter Birdie and Busy Philipps in April 2022
Busy Philipps with daughter Birdie
Busy Philipps with daughter Birdie





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