Femke from The Bachelor gives a love update: is she still madly in love?

Have you seen The Bachelor reunion? Then you probably know that Femke and Rien have had a tough time, but fortunately they are still together! In an interview with LINDA. gives Femke an update on how the lovebirds are doing now. Spoiler alert: the love is oozing!

Three months of radio silence

After that intense month together in The Bachelor, Femke and Rien had to keep their early love a secret. Femke was in Bali and Rien was in Ibiza. They didn’t see each other for three months. Femke says: “It was still quite exciting, because that very intense feeling we had after that month together naturally diminished a bit when we didn’t see each other for a long time. But we both knew that that is human and that it would return if we would come together again. Fortunately, that happened and we are now back to that level.

Looking back at The Bachelor with a strange feeling

Femke has now rewatched all the episodes. Quite strange, because of course she hadn’t been there herself. Fortunately, Rien was always open about what he experienced, so there were no real surprises. Still, it felt a bit strange for Femke. “Still, it was a bit strange to see how he went on dates with the others. Especially the horse riding date with Milan, where there was also some flirting. But it is completely logical that that happens, that is the program. And that I do something there it also shows that I really like him.”

Love in Ibiza

Fast forward to now: Femke and Rien are fully involved in each other’s lives and stay together in his house in Ibiza. Love can finally be shared with the world, what a relief! “In principle nothing changes, but it feels nice not to have to keep it a secret anymore. It is really special that with a program like The Bachelor you can find someone who hopefully is the love of your life. It feels like every case very well, for him too.” And awww, they are so cute together! We keep our fingers crossed that Femke and Rien have indeed found the love of their lives in each other.

Paul and his fractures

Although Rien found real love during the Bachelor adventure, things went less smoothly for Paul. In the final he chose Josephine, but back home she turned out to have no feelings for him. This marked the end of their romance. However, Paul also had a click with Eline, who was open to discovering whether something could blossom between them. Despite a pleasant start, this relationship turned out not to be a match made in heaven. In Shownieuws, Paul shares the challenges of dating while The Bachelor is still on television. “The first month was very nice and cozy, but you’re always at home. You can’t go out to eat or do other fun things, which you normally do when you start dating,” he says. “We did that for a few months until the reunion, but in the last month we said to each other: ‘Where is this actually going?’ We were not in love with each other. We had a good time together, but there was no tension,” says Paul.





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