Rock in the surf: William can always count on this royal

Even without Harry, Wills manages to get by just fine.

Now that the relationship with his brother, Prince Harry, is extremely frosty, Prince William fortunately has another confidante within the Windsor family on whom he can always count.

Support and support

It should have been so beautiful: Princes William and Harry with wives Kate and Meghan by their side. As a fabulous four, they were the great hope for the future of the British monarchy.

Anyway, we now know that everything turned out very differently. Now that the two brothers cannot communicate or see each other, the question is of course: who can Wills rely on? According to Hello! Magazine, fortunately the crown prince has had another confidante within the royal family for years.


This would be Peter Phillips, the first son of Princess Anne and her ex-husband Mark Phillips. As a royal without a princely title, the best man has a lot of freedoms and a lot less pressure on his shoulders than his younger cousin William.

“I think he has a lot of respect and admiration for William, who does feel that pressure, and in the future Peter will be a great source of support for him – as a cousin, and as someone who has been there for him all his life has been and the institution understands,” writes Royal Editor Emily Nash.

Protective role

Since Peter was born as the first grandchild of the late Queen Elizabeth, it is not surprising that he acts as a rock for his nephew, she shares. “Peter was the eldest of his generation and naturally took on a protective role. He is uniquely positioned to understand how the royal family and the institution operate, but he does not have the titles and responsibilities himself,” Nash said.

In interviews, Peter has also spoken full of love and appreciation about the Waleses. For example, in an interview with Sky News Australia this year, he said about Kate: “She is extraordinary in her own right…She and William make a fantastic team together.” Aww!


Meanwhile, things aren’t going well for Peter himself. He was the first of Elizabeth’s grandchildren to tie the knot, but he was also the first of them to subsequently divorce. His marriage to ex-wife Autumn Phillips ended in 2019, and earlier this year several sources reported that his relationship with girlfriend Lindsay Stevens had also come to an end after several wonderful years.

Who knows: could Willam act as a matchmaker for his big cousin? Their bond certainly seems strong enough for it!

Source: Hello! Magazine | Image: NL Image





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