Wow! Amalia wears a sapphire diadem

It’s a party in Denmark. Prince Christian, number 2 in line of succession to the throne, is celebrating his 18th birthday. Princess Amalia, Princess Elisabeth, Princess Ingrid-Alexandra: the young generation is well represented.

The Princess of Orange wears a royal blue cape dress.


The cape dress is a design by Essentiel Antwerp.

Does he look familiar? That may well be true. Elisabeth has it in pink.

The dress is made of viscose.

In terms of hairstyle, the princess opted for a half-updo.

On her feet the princess wears shoes from a big name: Manolo Blahnik.

Diadem history
You wouldn’t say it anymore, but until forty years ago the stones served as a necklace or part of a necklace. In the photo below we see the sapphire necklace that King William III gave to Emma as a wedding gift in 1879.

After a visit to the jeweler, the jewel is now known as a diadem.

To give the jewel some extra body, five ornaments from another set (Wilhelmina’s wedding gift) have also been mounted on the “new” diadem.

This is the result:

More sapphires
Princess Amalia wears the trellis necklace, also known as the honeycomb necklace, around her neck. Queen Emma ordered the jewel around 1901 for her daughter Wilhelmina. He tied the knot with Hendrik on February 7 that year.

The original design is made exclusively of diamonds. Amalia has had some large diamonds in the center replaced with sapphires for tonight. Máxima also did that in 2017. It looked like this at the time:

The diamond version looks like this:

19-09-2017 © PPE/vdWerf

The version with pearls:

Curious about Princess Elisabeth’s clothing and jewelry? Then click here.

Information about the jewelry thanks to Edwin Feller of DutchRoyalJewels.





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