Wedding bells! Luxembourg princess is engaged

This promises to be a particularly lavish wedding.

Great news from Luxembourg! Last weekend, Princess Charlotte de Nassau got engaged to her great love: Mansour Shakarchi.


The supreme moment took place on a mountain top in Switzerland: there Mansour Nicolas Frederic got down on one knee in front of the princess. The two were reportedly good friends with each other for years, until a spark flew in 2019. For example, in October 2019 she admitted that the couple had ‘come out of the friend zone’, after they both realized that they were madly in love with each other. Oh good!

The princess…

Now the name of this Princess Charlotte may not immediately ring a bell. And that is not surprising – she is quite a distance from the Luxembourg throne. Charlotte Katherine Justine Marie de Nassau was born in 1995 as the first child of Prince Robert and Princess Julie of Luxembourg. Prince Robert is the son of Prince Charles of Luxembourg, younger brother of the late Grand Duke Jean. This makes him a first cousin of the current Grand Duke, Henri, and Charlotte a niece of the monarch.

While most modern royal families now opt for a small monarchy with as few princes and princesses as possible, things are clearly slightly different in Luxembourg. In fact, since the marriage between Robert and Julie had not been approved, Julie was ‘only’ known as a countess until 2004. With an Arrêté grand-ducal ‘to show our affection and goodwill towards some members of our family’, Julie, and with it the offspring she shared with Robert, were elevated to princes and princesses.

Nowadays, Prince Robert is mainly concerned with exquisite wines within the family business, Domaine Clarence Dillon. He has no official duties for the throne, so the prince can do his own thing. This of course also applies to his offspring. Princess Charlotte is also not averse to a bit of luxury – she currently works in London for Chanel.

…And the businessman

Of course, to win the heart of such a princess you have to come from a good background, but Mansour will undoubtedly do just that. This young man is the grandson of an entrepreneur in the field of all kinds of precious metals. Mansour’s father has been at the head of this company since 1983, and it is therefore expected that Mansour will eventually take over the family business. And well: a Swiss company in the gold trade? That will undoubtedly do the family no harm.

The fact that the princess has fallen for this ‘ordinary’ bourgeois boy is extra sweet when you realize that she was presented at the Bal des Débutantes in Paris in 2017. Despite the introductions to all kinds of young adults with a surname that can be found in the Almanach de Gotha, not a single young man of noble birth ultimately managed to charm the princess. It turned out that her great love had been right in front of her for years!

We eagerly await the two to tie the knot in an (undoubtedly lavish) ceremony.

Source: Royal Musings, Glamial archive | Image: NL Image





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