Want to vent to your friends? This is how you do it in a productive way

Friends are always there for you, even when you experience something unpleasant. Where would we be without them? If you just want to vent, your friends are there for you. But how do you actually make such a ranting session useful and pleasant for both parties? We will explain it to you.

Let your friends know in advance that you want to vent

You probably often spontaneously vent to your friends. Something happens and it upsets you, so you go to your friends to talk about it. Logical, but it’s good to give your friends a heads up before you vent. This also allows them to mentally prepare themselves for what you are going to tell them. Venting your heart is often something you have to do and where the other person listens, but being a good listener also costs energy. So give your friends a moment to be ready for this. This way you get much more out of your conversation.

If you want to talk about something serious, it is a good idea to schedule the conversation

Would you like to vent about something that is quite intense? Then it is good not to let this conversation take place spontaneously. This can also be an intense conversation for the person listening to you. Giving them the opportunity to prepare is always good, but especially in cases like this. Schedule the conversation with them. Then you both have the opportunity to mentally prepare for this difficult conversation.

Think of venting more as a conversation

Venting your heart out is often a kind of monologue. You talk and someone listens. Getting everything out is of course your priority now, but remember that a friendship is mutual. So let your friend know that you are grateful for their time and for lending you a listening ear. Do this for them too when they need it. After your rant, ask how they are doing, so they feel equally important. And if they have something useful to say about your situation, let them have their say.

Also look for other ways to relieve your stress

Venting your heart takes energy for you, but so does it for your friends. It’s logical that you go to your friends when you need support, and we’re certainly not going to tell you to stop doing this. It is good to think about how your friends are doing and whether they have the mental space to listen to your problems. Don’t make yourself dependent on your friends when something is bothering you and look for other ways to express your feelings. For example, do this by writing down your feelings or putting them in another creative project.





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