This is the most stressful time of the day

And no, it’s not after the break!

A full agenda, an exploded mailbox or a laundry basket that urgently needs to be removed. We all experience stress at times, and while some people experience it more than others, there is a time when we are all most stressed.

Most stressed time

It may sound strange that one time of the day causes more stress, but a British study actually shows this. They spoke to more than 2,000 respondents and investigated what the most stressed time is. And although you would expect the time to be in the middle of the day – when the afternoon slump has arrived and you have a lot of tasks on your list – nothing could be further from the truth.

People are most busy around half past eight, and there is a logical explanation for that. According to the research, daily stress comes from fatigue, a poor night’s sleep and the prospect of a busy day at work. And of course it all comes together when you just get out of bed.

Stress factors

The researchers also asked the participants what stresses them out the most, and these are also factors that mainly occur in the morning. Common answers included being stuck in traffic, spilling something, or oversleeping.

In addition, the study shows that on average, each person is confronted with three stressful events per day, whether major or minor.

Tomorrow without worries

If you want to start your morning without stress, it can help to make your morning routine as relaxed as possible. For example, it can help to leave the snooze button alone and get some natural light. This causes your brain to wake up. And no matter how tempting it is: don’t immediately check your emails on your phone. Give your head and body space to wake up and face the day in a relaxed way!

Source: Girlscene, Healthy Women | Image: Adobe Stock





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