Easily overstimulated by noise? This is how you get rid of it

You hear noises everywhere, we can’t stop that. Are you easily overstimulated? Then these tips will help you deal with it.

Overstimulated by sound

On the train, at the gym, in the supermarket, at school or at work: everywhere you are exposed to different sounds. Think of the traffic outside, the tapping of a pen or keyboard, the clock ticking just a little too loudly or the whispers and chatter of other people. Once you start to notice them, it is difficult to ignore these sounds, which can quickly cause you to become overstimulated. These tips will help you deal with it more easily.

1. Discover triggers

It is important that you think carefully about which sounds exactly overstimulate you. Is it the sound of a tapping keyboard, jingling keys or the chatter of others? Becoming aware of which sounds make you overstimulated will help you cope.

2. Music and sounds

If you listen to soothing music or natural sounds such as rain, waves or birdsong at a very low volume, you can hide the disturbing sounds. This way, the overstimulating things are less noticeable and you will stay focused longer. This reduces the chance of becoming overstimulated.

3. Headphones or earbuds

There are many earplugs and headphones that have noise cancellation, so you no longer hear anything in your environment. There are also variants that filter the sound, so that only the loudest sounds are captured. This is also a useful option if you are someone who cannot concentrate on music. The music does not have to be on at all with these headphones or earbuds. There are also plenty of variants that do not offer Bluetooth and work purely against outside noise.

4. Setting boundaries

Let those around you know in time when it becomes too much for you. This also allows the people around you to understand that their attention may not be properly maintained and that you need to be able to process everything for a while. By clearly indicating where your boundaries are and what you can and cannot handle, others can understand you better and take you into account in different situations.

5. Self-care exercises

Self-care exercises ensure that you can come to terms with yourself, become calmer, have an overview and control over your life and become less likely to become overstimulated. For example, do breathing exercises or walk a short walk to get rid of the irritation of the sounds.





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