Pious! These tips will help you last longer with a full tank

Gas prices are almost unsustainable and that costs quite a bit of money. But with these tips you can get the most out of a full tank.

Full tank

Gas prices are skyrocketing, and this is not only noticeable at home, but also at a gas station. A liter of petrol easily costs two euros, while in previous years it did not even come close to these prices. Of course you can always make your journey by public transport, on foot or by bike, but that is not always the best solution. That’s why here are some tips to help you use your gasoline for as long as possible.

1.Cruise control

Does your car have cruise control? Then it is useful to switch this on as often as possible. This means you drive at a constant speed, which means you use less petrol and can use the fuel for longer. This way you can keep that full tank for longer.

2. Switch

Do you wait until the car starts to hum before you shift gears? This is not a good idea: shift to a higher gear as quickly as possible to save fuel. This way you get the most out of your full tank.

3. Drive more gently

The faster you drive, the more gasoline you use. You will save a lot of money and gasoline by paying close attention to the speed limit and sticking to it. Make sure you don’t drive too slowly. In addition, in addition to the costs for the full tank, it also saves a possible speeding fine. Count your winnings!

4. Pack light

Make sure your car has to carry as little weight as possible. The heavier the car is, the more fuel it has to use to move forward. Remove bags full of belongings, roof boxes or loose items to carry as little weight as possible. A tidy car is also always nice.

5. Eco mode

do you have a newer car? Then there is a good chance that it has an eco mode. This is of course there for a reason, and you guessed it: it saves fuel. It is often not recommended to use this mode continuously, but every now and then it certainly doesn’t hurt. After all, you save money and fuel.

6. Carpooling

If you really want to save on costs, you can almost always choose to carpool. Not only is it good for the wallet, it is also very pleasant. Of course, your car carries more weight and will use up the petrol a little faster on that occasion, but the more people you carpool with, the less often you have to take people with you and the less money you spend on petrol. And being the BOB can also be good for your health.





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