Exercise is healthy, but how much should you actually exercise per day?

The number of people in the Netherlands who exercise sufficiently has been decreasing for three years, according to the RIVM. Sufficient exercise is essential for our health, both mentally and physically. But how much exercise is enough?

Twenty minutes to an hour and a half

Many of us now know that sufficient exercise can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is therefore recommended to exercise at least twenty minutes per day, or to exercise intensively for at least 90 minutes per week. This could include a long walk or a brisk bike ride, but also real sports such as tennis, football, hockey or volleyball.

Keeping the brain healthy

If you are not a fanatical athlete, we have good news for you: a 2019 study by the Boston University School of Medicine points out that just ten minutes of exercise a day helps keep your brain healthy for longer. The study concluded this after 2,354 participants used a pedometer and energy tracker to track energy consumption for three days in a row. After this, their brain volume in relation to skull size was assessed using an MRI scan. A light sporting activity of nine to ten minutes, such as walking or cycling, would provide approximately 0.29 percent more brain volume. The researchers also state that every additional hour of light exercise results in more than one year less brain aging.

Muscles and bones

By exercising, you not only stimulate brain activity, but you also strengthen your bones and muscles. The exercise guidelines in the Netherlands apply: moderately intensive exercise at least two and a half hours a week, and participating at least twice a week in activities that can strengthen the muscles and bones, such as team sports or fitness.

Tips to exercise more

Are you inspired by this article and do you want to exercise more, but have no idea how to go about this? We came up with a number of simple tips to encourage you:

  • Buy a smartwatch: you constantly keep track of what you have done and can set goals in advance. Have you not achieved your goal yet today? Then you will receive a signal in time. It is also interesting to see what exercise you do on average during a day. You can count your steps, measure your blood pressure, get reminders about when to drink water and keep track of what you’ve eaten.
  • Go for a walk with a friend, partner or family member: If you exercise together you can catch up and make new memories. You almost forget that you are also being healthy.
  • The same applies to another healthy activity such as fitness, tennis or cycling: Everything is more fun together, and you can encourage each other to exercise more.





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