Don’t feel like 10,000 steps a day? These activities are roughly equivalent

Perhaps taking 10,000 steps a day is one of your New Year’s resolutions for 2024. Nothing wrong with that of course, but not everyone is always able to take that many steps in a day. Fortunately, there are also plenty of (fun) activities that equate to taking 10,000 steps a day. We list them for you!

Also read: Do you want to learn to exercise in the morning? That’s how you do that

Take 10,000 steps a day

Taking 10,000 steps is approximately equivalent to 7 to 8 kilometers. So not bad. Walking is good for your mental health, but of course also for your physical health. You can take steps anywhere, but it is sometimes quite difficult to actually reach those 10,000. We have listed activities for you that actually have the same effect as taking steps.

Jumping rope

Mega flashback to the past: fun jumping rope! Make no mistake: this activity is incredibly effective. Jumping rope for 10 minutes burns about the same as walking briskly for 30 minutes. A great calorie burner, in other words. Put on some nice music and let’s have a blast.


A low impact training but still get good results? It is possible with swimming. If you swim for an hour (with only short breaks) and pick up a little speed, that is equivalent to taking about 10,000 steps. Let’s go to the pool!

Racket sports

Whether you do the popular sport of padel or the good old tennis, it doesn’t matter. Any racket sport is a good way to equate to taking 10,000 steps. An hour of one of these sports – where you can also easily make new friends – is already equivalent.


This really is one of those activities where you don’t even realize that you are ‘exercising’. Dancing is fun for everyone (yes, even if you’re a stiff). In addition, it also burns a lot of calories and has a number of other health benefits. It can improve your balance, agility and cardio.

Would you rather do this at home in a room where no one can see you? No problem, just find a fun dance workout on YouTube and go with that banana. It’s really nice that you have a motivator on your screen, because it will probably make you stick with it.





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