Gordon about criticism and jokes from Today Inside on new album: “just hurts”

After a turbulent time and period full of TV programs, Gordon has returned to the music business. It is of course the place where his career started. And since this month, fans can enjoy a new album: Album of my Life. Although he is extremely proud of his new music, he unfortunately also receives criticism from, for example, Onderwijs Inside. And according to the singer, that does hurt.

Gordon on criticism of new album

The official album presentation of Gordon’s new album Album of my Life has now taken place. So it is time to promote his new album and he does this, among other things, on the talk show Sophie & Jeroen. They start the conversation with a nice summary of his musical career and greatest hits. His first performance was in 1986 at Henny Huisman’s Soundmix show. At that time he still had his well-known ‘poodle haircut’, which he (fortunately) will not return to. His farewell concert took place in 2015, but it was not a real farewell. Gordon is back and looking forward to it! Unfortunately, he also receives criticism from, for example, Today Inside, something he immediately refers to at the beginning of the interview with Jeroen Pauw. “That sounds better than what they played at VI,” Gordon responds to his old performances. Previously, in an episode of VI, they talked about his album presentation, where he sang ‘out of tune’ at one point. “I was very emotional. That song was for Patrick,” he says about the performance in question. Just for the record: Patrick is his very best friend, with whom he also lives. It is a friend who is always there for Gordon and even saved him from death. “Those emotions then affect your voice,” he explains.

Yet the criticism apparently does something to the singer, Jeroen concludes. “Yes, it bothers me that much… Things like that just hurt,” he says honestly. “You come up with something really nice. You come up with a new record after eight years. I make a very nice – in my opinion – new CD, and then you are laughed at nationally for it.” You can indeed imagine how much pain this can hurt. Even for someone like Gordon, who can handle criticism thanks to his ‘elephant skin’. After all, he often makes (crude) jokes about everything.

“So proud”

Gordon also likes watching Today Inside and can normally laugh at jokes in the TV program. For example, he thought a joke about him and HEMA was “brilliant”. René van der Gijp joked at the time: “If you sing like that in front of HEMA, they will send you away.” Gordon could laugh at this joke, because it could have been his own joke. He can definitely handle something. Obviously he’s had a lot of shit thrown his way in the past year. However, it does hurt when it comes to his new music. He is just “so proud” of his new album.

By the way, you may now be wondering: why is he back? After all, he would quit music. That was the case before, because he was doing too many things at once. “You can’t do everything at once,” he says. Although he also had some voice problems due to his alcohol and drug addiction. Fortunately, he has now kicked the habit and his voice has also recovered. He still has singing lessons three times a week and that is paying off.

Theater tour

Of course he’s not quite back to normal yet, but he’s working on it. “You’re training your voice,” he says. Logically, he cannot immediately sing a ‘marathon’ at concerts. Although we hope for his sake that the singing training continues to go well. His theater tour will start in June 2024, with which he will visit nine theaters. It starts in Heerlen and then goes to Zwolle, Breda, Rotterdam, Groningen, Apeldoorn, Leeuwarden and Utrecht. Ultimately he ends up in the DeLaMar theater in hometown Amsterdam.





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