Leave it or love it: Máxima’s golden trouser suit

In the Out of the box series we look at clothing items or accessories that are surprisingly different. For us or for the royal in question. This time: a gold trouser suit for Máxima.

She has only worn it twice. Still, I think that everyone who is a little (or more) interested in Máxima knows her gold trouser suit from Valentino. The suit consists of tight trousers with an ironed fold and a long jacket with four high buttons, high pockets and a standing (mandarin) collar. Although the lines of the jacket are anything but usual, the color and shine are particularly memorable.

01-02-2008 (c) PPE/Nieboer

With the pantsuit and a matching hat in 2003:

Brasilia, March 24, 2003. (c) NLbeeld

Just say the word: would you like to see the pantsuit again?





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