Verena Wriedt has to be strong for her son after her husband’s death

Verena Wriedt has to be strong for her son after her husband's death

Verena Wriedt (48) offers her son a strong shoulder! For seven years the TV fame and Thomas Schubert married to each other. In 2013, their son Lio crowned his parents’ happiness in love. But 2021 died Thomas at the age of just 47 as a result of a heart attack and left behind his wife and son. In this difficult time I had to Verena be strong for her son.

“I said to him: ‘Dad is always with you, if you need advice from him, you can ask him,'” says the 48-year-old in the Bunte interview. They would have created this ritual together. “In the beginning we always went out into the fresh air, but now we know that he is always there, whether at school or at a presentation,” says Verena continued. In order not to fall into a hole, she had to be strong for her son: “There were two options, either my son and I would both break because of it or I would give him all the strength I have and take him by the hand and we can do it together.”

To Thomas‘ second anniversary of death remembered Verena back to her beloved husband. “We had a wonderful day, then picked up my son. And suddenly at 9 p.m. my husband is gone. Just like that. Without warning. Heart attack is just so nasty because you have no chance to say anything or prepare yourself,” she said on the show “Exclusiv Weekend”. She also added: “I hoped until the end that a miracle would happen, that he would just wake up and say, ‘Come on, I survived, we have another chance.'”

Verena Wriedt with husband Thomas Schubert at Berlin Fashion Week in July 2019
Verena Wriedt with husband Thomas Schubert at Berlin Fashion Week in July 2019
Verena Wriedt with her son Lio
Verena Wriedt with her son Lio
Verena Wriedt, TV celebrity
Verena Wriedt, TV celebrity





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