Behind the scenes: Tjitske Reidinga shares photo from the set of Gooische Vrouwen

The iconic Gooische friends are finally back together: that’s how we like it.

The recording of the new season of Gooische Vrouwen is currently in full swing. Of course we are very curious about the end result, but we will have to be patient for a while. Fortunately, Tjitske Reidinga already shares a little sneak peek from behind the scenes.

Sneak peek

On Instagram, Tjitske (Claire van Kampen) shares a photo with Linda de Mol (Cheryl Morero), Susan Visser (Anouk Verschuur) and Lies Visschedijk (Roelien Grootheeze). The women are well-coiffed and clearly busy recording the new season of Gooische Vrouwen. “I love these women so much,” Tjitske writes with the pleasant snapshot.

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Everything in bloom

It is no coincidence that the recordings were made during this period. “It must always be green in the Gooi,” journalist Rob Goossens previously stated in The BLVD Podcast. “They can only film when there are leaves on the tree.”

And indeed: when we think back to the endless episodes of Gooische Vrouwen that we have devoured, we can think of few moments when the sun did not shine. Miraculously, the weather was always nice in the Gooi and the gardens were in full bloom. That was clearly not a coincidence, because all seasons appear to have been recorded in the spring. Of course, this does not always guarantee good weather in the Netherlands, but a huge budget for the necessary lamps will have contributed to this.

As in the old days

Just like in the old seasons, Will Koopman is now directing. “It’s great to all get together again and dive into the characters that the whole of the Netherlands still wonders how they are doing today,” she shares about the recordings that are currently underway. “The first days of shooting obviously took some getting used to and were also exciting, but the ‘Gooische Vrouwen’ feeling is back to normal.” That bodes well!

Source: RTL Boulevard, Glamial archive | Image: NL Image, Instagram @treidinga





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