Princess Beatrice receives intense news about first love

A sad ending.

In general, the life of York Princess Beatrice seems to be a bed of roses. This week, however, some pretty tough news came out for the princess.

Happy princess

Today we know Beatrice as the stylish daughter of Duchess Sarah Ferguson and loving sister of Princess Eugenie. She has been happy with her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi for many years, and daughter Sienna Mapelli Mozzi is radiant proof of this.

But before the York beauty found her niche in life as a royal without an official working role at court, she occasionally made some special choices on a romantic level.

Bad boy

For example, in 2006 the young adult highness was linked by the tabloids to the American Paolo Liuzzo. The two would have a great time together, and as the princess’s first ‘real’ boyfriend, the man naturally came under a magnifying glass. Unfortunately, it soon became apparent that Paolo was not exactly of the kind of impeccable behavior that we like to associate with the average Prince Charming.

Paolo had previously been convicted of serious assault – a case that arose from a violent evening in which a teenager died. You understand: people in the palace were not exactly eager for this love. Yet the Duchess stood up for her daughter at the time. “Beatrice is a sensible girl who will soon turn eighteen, with many friends including Paolo. We have to trust her judgment.”

Ultimately, the short-lived fling did not last, and Bea got into a serious relationship with businessman Dave Clark shortly afterwards. After ten years they also went their separate ways and the princess is now completely happy with her Edo.

Heavy news

The reason that this childhood love of Beatrice is now back in the spotlight is unfortunately very sad. For example, several sources reported today that Paolo Liuzzo was found dead in a hotel in Miami in February. However, the news was only announced this week. Police reportedly suspected an overdose.

While Beatrice’s life has gone uphill since 2006, things have been a lot less rosy for Paolo. In recent years he regularly had troubles for which he had to appear in court. From violent incidents to drug possession: the princess’s ex had a lot on his plate.

Insiders reportedly told The Sun that Paolo had been in serious trouble for some time. He is said to have had problems with drugs for some time. Paolo is also said to have all kinds of debts due to his gambling behavior and various predatory loans from shady parties.

According to various sources, his funeral took place privately on February 17.

Source: The Telegraph, The Sun, Metro | Image: NL Image





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