With this 30 seconds skin hack you can give your face a natural facelift

Botox and fillers are indispensable nowadays, regardless of age. Everyone wants to look young, and wrinkles often don’t fit into that picture. But growing older also has its charm, and whether you choose Botox, fillers or proudly rock your wrinkles, we fully respect that. Would you still like to hide your wrinkles before a night out and give your skin an extra glowy and plumping look? With this 30-second skin hack you give your face a natural facelift, without injections or products.

Skincare hack

A video in which Olga shares her skin hack for a natural facelift is going viral on TikTok. Olga (@naturalfacebible) is 48 and has wrinkle-free skin. In the video, which has now been viewed more than 50,000 times, she shows how she lifts her face every week with a simple head massage. According to her, this method helps prevent her skin from sagging. “No anti-aging cream can do what this exercise does,” she says.

In the video, we see Olga grabbing her hair as if making a tight, high ponytail and pulling it up. “You feel a pleasant, slightly painful sensation,” she explains. She holds this position for at least 30 seconds, which pulls up her facial skin. She then moves her head calmly to the right, left, up and down.

Placebo effect?

Does Olga’s natural facelift really work, or is it a case of placebo? A head massage, as seen in the video, relaxes the stiff muscles in your skull, improves blood circulation and can help lift your facial lines. The effect is mainly in the improved blood circulation, which stimulates cell renewal and ensures a detoxifying effect. This can make your skin look younger.

Tips for a glowy skin

Healthy skin starts from within. Do you want to prevent wrinkles? Although genetics play a role, there are a few things you can do (or not do) to keep your skin glowing. Here are our tips for glowy skin:

  • Eat a varied diet

  • Do what makes you happy, whether that’s a hobby or a girls’ night in

  • Don’t smoke

  • Drink alcohol in moderation

  • Get enough sleep

  • Exercise regularly

  • Water, water, water!

  • And of course: a good skincare routine should not be missed

We are curious whether you will dare to add this skincare trick to your routine after seeing Olga’s video. Does it really reduce fine lines? Either way, it’s worth the try!





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