This can cause your hair to be greasy immediately after washing

We will also immediately tell you how to prevent it.

Basically you wash your hair to get it nice and clean again. However, your locks may feel extremely greasy after washing. We explain what the cause of this could be and how you can prevent it.

Multiple causes

How quickly your hair becomes greasy depends on several things. For example, people with thin and fine hair are more likely to suffer from greasy locks, but the way you care for your hair can also be a cause. If your hair becomes a bit greasy after a few days or one full day, that is not surprising, but if this happens immediately after washing, there is probably something else going on.

Applying conditioner incorrectly

A common cause of hair becoming greasy quickly is incorrect application of conditioner. Although this is meant to be applied only to the lengths of your hair, some people apply it all over their hair and scalp. However, this part of your hair is already oily enough, so there is absolutely no need to nourish it further with conditioner. This can cause it to feel greasy again immediately after washing.

Using the wrong shampoo

It may also be that you are using the wrong shampoo. There are of course all kinds of shampoos and there are also ones that do not suit hair at all, which quickly becomes greasy. For example, if you have straight and fine hair, it is better not to use shampoo for curly hair. These often nourish the hair intensively and this is ideal for curly heads, but with thin hair they can make your locks very greasy. It is also best to avoid shampoos with silicone.

Wash too often

Another cause may be that you wash your hair too often. In principle, 1 to 2 washes per week would be ideal, but we all know that that is sometimes really impossible. If you wash it every day, it is still advisable to gradually reduce this. Eventually your locks will get used to it and you can go longer without washing. And to combat that greasy look in between, you can always apply a portion of dry shampoo!

Source: NSMBL | Image: Adobe Stock





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