These 5 logical reasons cause hair loss


Sooner or later we will all experience hair loss. Of course not a nice prospect, but we just have to deal with it, right? Yet it is sometimes difficult to explain where hair loss comes from. However, this can happen for many logical reasons.

Hair loss

It may first be good to know that both men and women lose fifty to a hundred hairs per day. “We have more than 100,000 hair follicles on our heads. This hair is in growth or resting stages,” explains Penny James, a certified trichologist. She explains that the final phase of the hair growth cycle occurs when your hair falls out and makes way for new hair. When this cycle is not balanced, the amount of hair you lose can change.

“If you suddenly find hair on your pillow or in your shower drain, and it’s more than you normally see, that’s excessive,” explains dermatologist Dr. Joyce Davis.

Getting too few nutrients

But why is that? According to Dr. Danilo C. Del Campo, dermatologist, you can lose more hair if you don’t consume enough nutrients. Consider: iron, zinc, fatty acids, vitamin D and some B vitamins.

“These nutrients play a crucial role in keeping hair follicles healthy and supporting the hair cycle,” she explains. She therefore advises consuming at least two animal protein sources per day.

Not washing hair and scalp often enough

A second reason for hair loss may be that you do not wash your hair and scalp often enough. This is often the reason why you suddenly see much more hair in the shower drain than normal. If you don’t wash your hair and scalp often enough, there is a good chance that sweat, oil, dry shampoo and other hair products will accumulate.

“A healthy scalp and clean hair helps the hair follicle develop better, which makes the scalp less irritated and your hair less likely to fall out,” says James. For example, she explains that you should wash your hair thoroughly once a week. If you have a certain hair type with a complex texture, she recommends three to four times a week.

The change of weather

Hair loss can also be related to the change in the weather. For example, a 1991 British Journal of Dermatology study showed that increased hair loss can begin as early as March. This can even continue until September (!). “Most people experience more hair loss in the summer,” says James. But how is this possible? Scientists think it has to do with more vitamin D absorption due to the longer and warmer days. This means that old hair falls out faster and new hair also grows faster. Ah!


When you experience a lot of stress, you may also experience more hair loss. Stress stimulates the hormone cortisol to overactivity. And this is precisely in line with hair loss. However, you do not immediately experience hair loss when you suffer from stress. This often only occurs three to six months after the stress.

You are taking new medications

Are you taking new medications? Then there is also a good chance that you will experience hair loss. Hair loss is a common side effect of new medications, Del Campo explains. So do you experience a lot of hair loss while using a new medication? Then talk to your doctor to look at possible solutions.

Source: Huffpost | Image: Adobe Stock





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