“The Best”: Justin Long dedicates a touching post to his wife Kate

“The Best”: Justin Long dedicates a touching post to his wife Kate

He speaks from the heart. In May 2022, Justin Long (45) and Kate Bosworth (41) made their love public. Only about a year later, the two went to the altar to promise each other. Since then, the couple has repeatedly provided small insights into their private happiness on social media – like now again: on his birthday Kate finds Justin heartwarming words.

“You’re 41! […] “You have made so many people smile with your warmth and curiosity,” the actor begins his statement on an Instagram post. This shows a video full of moments of the couple together. In the course of this, he also talks about a certain topic – theirs future family planning. “One day our children may ask me: ‘Dad, why did you […] wrote emotional things about mom?’, says Justin continues, adding, “And I say, ‘Well, […] Your mother always inspires me to bring good into the world.'” He then ends the post with the words “she is simply the best.”

Last year also took place Kate loving words for your partner’s birthday. The 41-year-old congratulated him via Instagram with a series of pictures from his vacation. “Every morning I’m filled with excitement to open my eyes because I know they’ll greet my favorite smile,” she gushed.

Kate Bosworth and Justin Long, 2023
Kate Bosworth and Justin Long, 2023
Kate Bosworth and Justin Long, actors
Kate Bosworth and Justin Long, actors
Justin Long and Kate Bosworth
Justin Long and Kate Bosworth





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