Ooh: Máxima and Letizia will soon go to this prestigious occasion together

Two stylish queens out together: we’re already looking forward to it.

Next week, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will receive their fellow Spanish royal couple in the Netherlands for an official state visit. In any case, Máx and Letizia already have an outing planned: the ladies are going to the Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival together.

Ladies outing

On April 17 and 18, King Felipe and Queen Letizia will pay a state visit to the Netherlands. Such a visit is of course accompanied by a lot of splendor, an abundance of royal fashion and the necessary royal activities. It has just been announced that Máx and Leti have already had a nice ladies’ outing. They will appear at the anniversary celebration of the Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival on April 18. There, the queens will show their support for the festival’s mission to promote Spanish cinema in the Netherlands. An endeavor that is undoubtedly close to the hearts of the queens, who share Spanish as their mother tongue.


“We are honored to welcome Her Majesties Queen Máxima and Queen Letizia to the Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival,” said Virginia Pablos, director of the Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival. “We are extremely proud of the work we have done over the years to curate a diverse selection of Spanish films. We couldn’t be happier with the recognition and support of the Spanish and Dutch Royal Houses in honor of our tenth anniversary.”


It has been a while since an official state visit from Spain to the Netherlands. That was in 2001, when Beatrix was still on the throne. She then received King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía in her palace. Since then, no official state visits have been exchanged between Spain and the Netherlands. In April it will be the first time that Willem-Alexander and Máxima Felipe and Letizia meet in this way.

With this outing in prospect, we are already preparing for the fashion battle between Máx and Leti!

Source: CIN FIN CINEMA, Glamial archive | Image: NL Image





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