Light spots on your skin? This could be it

No one, absolutely no one, has smooth skin without ‘blemishes’. Everyone has bumps, spots or a stray hair here and there. Light spots are also included, but they do fall into the category: ‘you may need to go to the doctor about those’. We found out for you what it could be.

Also read: Skin tags: this is how you get rid of them

Sun damage

We know that the sun is harmful to your skin, but it sometimes also causes light spots on the skin. When you burn severely, changes occur in your deeper skin layers. This leads to the white spots. Your pigment is then damaged to such an extent that it has disappeared. You will only find these spots in the places where you have been seriously burned.


Vitiligo is a usually chronic pigment disorder. This causes your pigment cells to die, causing white spots to appear on your skin. The spots are often bright and irregular and most common on the face, hands and feet. The pigment disorder is not harmful to your body or organs, but can be very mentally difficult. Especially because there is still no cause or treatment for it.

Skin infections

Inflammations in the skin sometimes also cause white spots. An inflammation may have damaged the pigment in the skin. The skin at the site of the inflammation then remains light. If you have an inflammation in the skin, only timely treatment can prevent these spots.

Pityriasis versicolor

It sounds very impressive, but fortunately it is not serious. This condition is also known as summer yeast and is a superficial fungal infection of the skin. Everyone has yeast on their skin and with this condition the yeast ends up on the surface of your skin. The spots are round and often lighter or darker than the rest of your skin. It is also sometimes itchy, causing it to flake when you scratch it. Fortunately, there are several creams and shampoos to solve this problem.

Pityriasis Alba

This difficult name also has a somewhat simpler name: white cheek. This condition is especially common in children between the ages of six and twelve, but can also occur in adults. These white spots are also caused by inflamed skin. These spots are most common on the face. It also occurs in other parts of the body. In small children, this condition occurs after sun damage or being washed in hot water too often.

Of course, there are other conditions that can cause light spots on the skin. Are you unsure about the cause of the white spots on your skin? Always make an appointment with your doctor so that an appropriate diagnosis can be made.





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