Mark Gillis is out of a coma: ‘He is making steps forward’

Good news! Peter Gillis shared a mega relief on Instagram today: his son Mark is finally awake after being in a coma for over two weeks. And if that wasn’t enough, he can now breathe on his own again.

Two weeks of hope and excitement

Peter could not suppress his joy: “After more than two weeks of hope and excitement, we are happy to see that Mark is making progress”. We cannot even imagine how intense that period must have been for the family.

Bye bye ventilator

Yesterday was the big day: the doctors decided to see if Mark could breathe without that ventilator. And guess what? He passed with flying colors! Now he is slowly but surely coming around again. Peter emphasized that they have to be careful, so that Mark does not have a relapse and can recover calmly.

Proud of Mark Gillis

The Gillis family is of course very proud of Mark for his perseverance and courage. Hats off to you, man. Peter also thanked the doctors and nurses for their non-stop care and everyone who supported them. Yesterday, Peter also shared that Mark is doing better. “Mark has opened his eyes and is slowly starting to wake up,” he told ANP. Gillis called it “a day with a golden edge.” And rightly so, because this is really great news.

The text continues below the Instagram post.

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Double pneumonia

Quick recap: Mark has been in the hospital for almost three weeks with double pneumonia. Earlier this week, the family announced that Mark was a ‘miracle’ because he was making progress. We are so happy for the family and wish Mark all the best in his continued recovery. You got this, champ!

Dutch Oostappen holiday parks

Earlier it was announced that Peter Gillis is stepping down as boss of Dutch Oostappen holiday parks, as he shared via Instagram. According to Peter, his organization is being transferred to a new operator, while Peter will continue to manage the Belgian parks under a new label.

Painful decision for Peter Gillis

The SBS6 star’s decision came after several problems with permits at multiple parks, including the loss of catering permits and the failure to obtain operating permits. “It is a painful decision, but it is with a heavy heart that I hand over the operation of the Dutch parks,” Peter wrote. Despite the change, the parks will continue to operate under the same name.





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