How Princess Mary reacted to her upcoming role as queen

Does Mary consider herself the ‘perfect princess’?

Growing from a little Australian girl to a marketing professional and then suddenly landing a crown prince: things can change! Princess Mary certainly did not follow the standard aristocratic path to the Danish court. Yet in about a week and a half she will be known as Queen of Denmark. But how does she actually deal with that?

Citizen girl

Where it used to be not done for a royal to get involved with the common people, more and more monarchies are realizing that it is quite modern to throw such ideas out the palace window.

Yet there was a long time of secrecy about a relationship when the Danish crown prince, Frederik, fell head over heels for the Australian Mary Donaldson. Between 2000 and 2003 the two were spotted together several times in Denmark and Australia, at the beginning of 2002 Mary moved to Copenhagen, and in September 2003 there was finally confirmation: Queen Margrethe announced that at a council meeting on October 8 would give permission for the marriage. And so it happened!


And as usual, on October 8, after the official engagement, there was a friendly wave from the balcony, and the necessary interviews were given by the happy couple. Of course this was accompanied by a good dose of amorous glances back and forth, and some hesitantly formulated answers. It remains a baptism of fire, of course, as a newly introduced part of the royal family.

For example, Mary was questioned in the 60 Minutes Australia program about her upcoming marriage and role at court. Of course, presenter Tara Brown also asked how Miss Donaldson viewed the future. For example, Brown asked: “Has it already sunk in that you will be the next queen of Denmark?”

Although she hesitates for a moment, Mary gives a clear diplomatic answer to the question. “Not quite yet, no. And as I’ve said a few times today: this is the first day I’m really starting in this role. And how I will fulfill that role will evolve over time.”

Perfect princess

Brown, however, increases the pressure and states that Mary will soon become part of what many people see as ‘the perfect royal family’. How does Mary deal with that pressure? “The perfect princess…what is the perfect princess? Don’t know. First of all, I think that’s very subjective. All I can say is that I will do the role in my own way and all I can do is work hard and do my best. And for some that will be good enough and for some it won’t.”

Down to earth, with respect for the special role of her in-laws and, in her own words, a ‘little Ozzy twist’ – even then Mary was clearly full of potential to grow into the popular princess she is today. The role of queen will undoubtedly suit her just as well!

Source: Hello! Magazine, 60 Minutes Australia | Image: NL Image





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