Big news for Videoland series about Máxima!

We can’t wait!

Now that The Crown has already ended, we’re eagerly awaiting our next dose of royal drama. And it arrives on April 20 in the form of Máxima, a Videoland Original about (you guessed it) Queen Máxima. Now Videoland has announced wonderful news about the premiere of the series!


Ah, Cannes – the jet-set resort a stone’s throw from Monaco, where all the Hollywood bigwigs gather annually for the film festival and we can then enjoy the glamor on the red carpet from a distance. However, for several years now the town has also had a series festival, under the name Canneseries. Here the crème de la crème of the television world is once again put in the spotlight.

And this is where the premiere of Videoland’s upcoming royalty series Máxima will take place! “The high-end drama series Máxima has been selected for the prestigious Canneseries,” the streaming service said in a statement today.

“In the presence of the cast, director and producer, the Videoland Original will experience its world premiere in the famous Grand Auditorium Lumière on April 9, 2024.”


In case you missed the news about this series, a little refresher: the series is based on the book Motherland: The Early Years of Máxima Zorreguieta by Marcia Luyten, and tells the story of Máxima’s life – from her younger years in Argentina until her current life as Queen of the Netherlands. The starting point of the series is the first meeting of Máx and Willem-Alexander in 1999. And it looks like this:


The world premiere in Cannes is the latest success in a series of great achievements for the series – before it even airs! Producer Millstreet Films also announced that major international sales successes have been achieved recently.

Máxima was purchased by Warner Media, among others, for the streaming platform Max in Latin America. In addition, the series has been sold to Israel’s Hot, the Croatian HRT, ORF for Austria, LV1 in Latvia and to Slovakia.

It turns out that our Máx is also extremely popular outside the Netherlands!

Source & Image: Videoland





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