Nicolette van Dam and Bas Smit demand 2 million euros from Coca-Cola

Nicolette van Dam and Bas Smit demand 2 million euros from Coca-Cola. The two have filed a lawsuit because they believe they were not paid for the promotional work they did for the soft drink company.

Two million

On Saturday, RTL Z gave an insight into the story of two influencers who believe that they should still receive money from Coca-Cola for their efforts in promotional activities. On Monday, RTL Z revealed that these influencers are none other than Nicolette van Dam and Bas Smit.


What exactly happened? The soft drink company suspects that the two conspired with a company employee, with whom they have a good relationship. This employee is said to have made informal agreements with the duo via WhatsApp. As a result, the employee was immediately dismissed. Oh dear!

Witness hearings

Nicolette and Bas currently have the judge’s approval to conduct witness interviews. According to the request to the court to allow these witness hearings, Smit and Van Dam show “that we are completely open and honest in this matter”. “If that were not the case, we certainly would not have requested a witness hearing.”

‘Something went wrong internally at Coca-Cola’

“We have had a pleasant and successful collaboration with Coca-Cola for many years. During the last agreements, with the same people from the soft drink company as in previous years, something apparently went wrong internally at Coca-Cola,” the two now say. “We cannot see what happened there internally. That is why we have asked for a witness hearing so that we can uncover the relevant facts – for everyone involved.”





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