Jana-Maria Herz had sex with the “Temptation Island” seducer!

Jana-Maria Herz had sex with the “Temptation Island” seducer!

Jana-Maria Herz (31) seems to have quickly broken up with her ex. At Temptation Island VIP she put her relationship with Umut Tekin (26) to the test. After the end of the show, it was clear that the former Bachelorette candidate had not passed the loyalty test – the reality TV star quickly found his true love in seducer Emma Fernlund. But also Jana Maria hooked up with someone from the villa: she had something with seducer Phillip!

Emma dropped the bombshell upon reunion. “I believe that Jana had sex with a seducer from the villa two days after filming ended – there is evidence of that,” the blonde claimed. Jana did not deny this, but admitted that it did not happen immediately after filming. “I met Phillip afterwards, I had something with him – I’m allowed to do that. That was in August,” explained the 31-year-old.

This may come as a surprise to viewers, because in the two weeks Jana got along best with seducer Calvin. Phillip, on the other hand, was initially very focused on Michelle Gwozdz (29) and had also made one or two attempts at flirting, which failed.

Jana-Maria Herz, “Temptation Island VIP” candidate
Jana-Maria Herz, “Temptation Island VIP” candidate
Phillip Mandla, seducer at "Temptation Island VIP"
Phillip Mandla, seducer at “Temptation Island VIP”
Jana-Maria Herz, reality TV actress
Jana-Maria Herz, reality TV actress





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