This is how you can build a new friend group

As an adult, it sometimes seems very difficult to make new friends, let alone build a group of friends. Yet having friends is very important in your adult life. This is how you build a new group of friends.

Start making new individual friends

Of course, a group of friends does not just happen. You need individual friendships first before you can build a group. So start with the friendships you already have. Maybe you can already build a group of friends from this. But it may also be the case that you need new friendships. You make friends in all kinds of different places. Think of school, work, the sports club or during events. Be brave and speak to someone. For example, ask a fellow student to study together or a colleague to have a drink after work. We know this is exciting, but in retrospect it will be well worth it! Also see if you can build friendships with people who have the same interests as you, so that you can more easily put together a group of friends later.

Introduce friends if you think you’ll click

Once you’ve gathered a few nice friends, which will probably take some time, see if you can introduce your friends to each other. If you find shared interests among your friends, there’s bound to be a nice connection. The most important thing is that you should not force the creation of the group of friends. Your friends should become friends with each other organically. You can of course plan times for them to get together, for example during a party. An advantage is that they already have something in common: a friendship with you!

See if you can join an existing group of friends

Suppose you don’t feel like looking for new people, you can always see if you can join existing groups. To do this, you must first be friends with one or more people from that friend group. In this way, for example, you suggest joining in when the group is going to do something together. Here too, it is important not to force the friendship. Don’t push yourself. If you click, you will notice after a while that the group of friends will increasingly involve you in plans and make you part of the group. It takes time, but your patience will be rewarded.

Find friends online

Addressing people is terrifying! Sometimes it is also an option to create online friend groups. You do this through social media. For example, search TikTok for people with the same interests as you and make connections that way. There are also several dating apps that give you the option to swipe to make friends! This way you can quickly and easily get in touch with other people who are looking for new friends.





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