Science says: shopping is very healthy

Today’s best news!

Going to the gym in the cold and rain? There are few die-hards who are really happy about that. We completely understand that you would rather curl up in your favorite armchair with a book and a quilt. Fortunately, there is a very good alternative to such a session on the cross trainer or stairmaster: an attractive shopping session!


Yes, really: shopping is really good for you. Your bank balance and your partner may think differently, but science says you put your body to work hard during such an intense shopping session. If your lover asks you critically again whether that trip to your favorite boutiques is really necessary (yea-haaa), then you have a good answer here.

That’s how it is

Look, we all know that shopping is good for our mood. It’s not only a cliché, but it also has a biological reason: when you get that one fantastic dress, or a gift that you know will make your partner overjoyed, a lot of dopamine is released in your brain. . That’s because with such a shopping session you put your brain’s reward system to work.

But also on a physical level, shopping can be very good for you – provided you ignore the web shops and actually take a stroll through the city. Research by Udozi and YouGov shows that shopping can be a real workout. For example, the British study has shown that you burn 1572 calories during an average shopping session. That is equivalent to three Big Macs, sixteen glasses of champagne or three bars of chocolate.

Good excuse

Please note: this involves a long shopping session, if you are shopping for Christmas and Sinterklaas, for example. A quick trip to the supermarket may be very useful, but it burns a lot less energy.

But don’t worry, another study supports the good news. An hour of shopping is also very healthy. An hour of shopping equals half an hour of running. It’s pure cardio to carry all those bags. Moreover, shopping is better for your knees than running. In short: a good excuse to do some extra extensive shopping for the holidays, right?

Source: The Daily Mail | Image: NL Image





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