Sweet pictures: Pregnant Giannina Gibelli celebrates baby shower

Sweet pictures: Pregnant Giannina Gibelli celebrates baby shower

In just a few months there will be three of them! After Giannina Gibelli looked for her Mister Right in the Netflix dome show Love Makes Blind in 2020, but only found him afterwards: the influencer has been with ex-Bachelorette candidate Blake Horstmann since June 2022. The couple is currently expecting their first offspring together. And to celebrate the imminent birth of their baby, throw Giannina and Blake now having a baby shower!

The 30-year-old shares a few impressions of her party on Instagram. In one snapshot she poses in front of an “Oh Baby” sign – showing off her round baby bump Giannina in an elegant white dress. Other photos show the pregnant woman with her guests or unpacking presents. “I could never have imagined how beautiful, loving and special this whole weekend would be. […] “Our baby is so incredibly loved and I will cherish every moment of this weekend for the rest of my life,” enthuses the American.

In one of her snapshots are Giannina and Blake cutting a cake – the gender of their baby was probably revealed at the baby shower! But will the pregnant woman also reveal this to her fans? “Very soon,” she explains promisingly in a comment under her posting.

Giannina Gibelli and Blake Horstmann
Giannina Gibelli and Blake Horstmann
Blake Horstmann and Giannina Gibelli
Blake Horstmann and Giannina Gibelli
Giannina Gibelli and Blake Horstmann
Giannina Gibelli and Blake Horstmann





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