Ali B charged with yet another sex crime

Aiii, things aren’t looking so good for rapper Ali B! The North Holland Public Prosecution Service has decided to prosecute him not only for rape, but also for assault on a woman in Heiloo. A spokeswoman for the Public Prosecution Service confirmed this to ANP today.

Trial scheduled for June 12 and 13

Mark your calendars, because the trial against Ali B is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12 and Thursday, June 13 at the court in Haarlem. Last March it was revealed that the 42-year-old TV personality from Almere would be prosecuted for sexual offenses with three adult women.

Now four accusations, including assault on The Voice candidate

First there were three different accusations, including: sexual assault of a former candidate of The Voice of Holland in May 2018 in Amsterdam. An accusation of rape in Heiloo in August 2018 and rape in April 2014 in Morocco. But now that the Public Prosecution Service has carefully studied the file, a fourth fact has been added to the final indictment…

Case concerns two declarations and one report

Four sexual offenses will be dealt with in the trial next week. Including one report is discussed. This report is said to have been made by singer and actress Ellen ten Damme. The spokeswoman for the Public Prosecution Service could not make any statements about Ellen’s report due to privacy reasons. In 2014, Ten Damme participated in the AVROTROS program Ali B en de Muziekkaravaan, in which the rapper took her to the Moroccan city of Meknes to gain inspiration for a song.

Ali B wants to fight it out in court

Recently, the rapper’s lawyer, Bart Swier, told Shownieuws how Ali currently stands in the competition. “I am actually very proud of my client that he has remained completely out of the media during the 2.5 years in which this case has been going on. He has chosen to fight this out in court, not in the media or elsewhere. “


Bart expects things to change after the hearing. “Once he has told his story in court, he will undoubtedly answer questions. I certainly will not advise my clients to put on sunglasses and run from the press.”

Normal life

He actually hopes that his client will finally be able and willing to tell his own story. “Take a moment, answer those questions. I think this gives a better picture than running away from the press.” Bart is optimistic and believes that the rapper can resume his normal life after all this. “I certainly expect that this will be the end of it. Then it is up to the court to rule within two weeks or whether it needs more time.”





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