It’s Say Something Nice Day: this makes it easier to compliment someone

It’s June 1 and this means it’s Say Something Nice Day. A nice day to express your appreciation to each other. A compliment seems like a small thing, but it can still mean a lot to someone else. Compliments are always nice, so say them!

Say Something Nice Day

Say Something Nice Day is one of our favorite special days of the year. This is not surprising, because we all like receiving a compliment. Saying something kind can make a world of difference to someone else. So the goal, simply put, is to say something nice to each other. This is not only necessary in real life, but also online. If you want to do it right, you can take it a step further and give a little something to someone who needs it or a complete stranger.

What you can do during Say Something Nice Day

Below are a few tips if you’re not quite sure how to approach this during Say Something Nice Day:

1. Give recognition

This often works best with people you know personally or work with, for example. Think of something they have accomplished recently and make a comment about it. Especially if it’s something they’ll be proud of or you think it’s largely overlooked. Being seen is very nice for people.

2. Value a personality trait

Appreciation in the area of ​​a personality trait always works well. Think of humor, interest or commitment. With that you say, I see what you are doing and you are doing it well.

3. Look at the little things

Often it’s the little things that matter to him. Consider bringing a cookie for your colleague or getting a cup of coffee. Someone can of course do this themselves, but how nice is it if you do it for that person this time. You then let them know that you appreciate that person. You will notice that people will do this more often.

4. Compliments

It may be a little awkward to compliment someone’s appearance. Instead, try to compliment their style. Maybe that person always wears very colorful dresses or stands out because of her bag collection. Find something specific and that makes it easier for you and more personal for the other person.

5. Appreciate someone’s existence

Sometimes people just need to know that someone is happy when they are there. You don’t know in advance whether someone is having trouble getting through the day. It is therefore extra nice when someone says that they are happy when you are there, simply because you are you. <3

6. Wishing someone a nice day

It’s always good to wish someone a nice day. Add your smile and you’ve done something nice. It often gives you a happy feeling. Make a gesture that people can cross or raise a hand. The little things matter to him.

7. Send a sweet text, card or message

Small effort, but a big gesture! Send a text or an old-fashioned card to, for example, your mom, best friend or mother-in-law. It could be anyone. That person will really appreciate this.

Which of these tips will you use during Say Something Nice Day?





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