Zozo: Prince Christian drives around in an impressive car

A modest gift from Mary and Frederik.

Christian was once the little prince who cavorted carefree between the Danish palace walls. However, he has now grown into a charming young man with a future as king in prospect. Of course, such a life also includes a nice car. And recent photos prove that the eighteen-year-old prince can already tick off that goal!

Normal upbringing

Frederik and Mary – like most royal parents – have always claimed that they want to give their children as normal a childhood as possible. And while we wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, Christian’s extravagant birthday party last October didn’t exactly help. Now it just so happens that we have also heard that the teenage prince drives around in an impressive car – and that of course requires some research.

Sporty car

He hasn’t even passed his final exams yet, but a driver’s license? Christian certainly already has that in his possession. The prince has been spotted several times in a car that many midlife crisis men would envy. This is a silver-gray BMW

HRH Crown Prince Christian was pictured arriving at Amalienborg on Monday.

📸Jesper Sunesen

➡️ https://t.co/ra6A845npq pic.twitter.com/HNcDBFMdKN

— ChristinZ (@ChristinsQueens) April 29, 2024

Chris reportedly received the sporty car from his parents for his eighteenth birthday. This must have cost at least 70,000 euros. A modest gift from Frederik and Mary, which must have contributed to his normal childhood. Anyway: the teenage prince is of course very happy and grateful for it, and that is the most important thing, non?

Royal cars

Christian is not the only royal who was treated to a car for his birthday. Fellow royal Princess Ingrid Alexandra received an electric Volkswagen from her parents after getting her driver’s license. However, Lady Louise proved that not all royal teenagers get such royal treatment: she had to pay for her second-hand Polo herself with the money she earned from her part-time job. Her parents, Edward and Sophie from Edinburgh, clearly succeeded in the as-normal-as-possible upbringing.

Source: All Things Amalia | Image: NL Image, X





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