What is karma and how does it work?

Karma, you probably know it from experiences that you did something and got it back bigger. Buddhism and Hinduism see the law of karma as a law of nature. A law of cause and effect that states that physical and mental actions of someone have consequences for this life and next lives through reincarnation. The energy that you send out into the world also comes back. What does it really mean and how does it work?

It happens everywhere

Although the law of karma comes from Buddhism and Hinduism and the word from Sanskrit (ancient sacred language that originates in India), it also comes back in our language. Think of the following proverbs, they all have to do with karma:

  • He who does good meets good.

  • Boontje comes for his paycheck.

  • You get what you deserve

  • He who sows the wind will reap the storm.

  • Anyone who digs a hole for someone else falls into it himself.

  • He who throws the ball can expect it to come back.

  • It comes back like a boomerang.

  • A taste of your own medicine.

Not always negative

You probably think of something negative when you think of karma. Are you gossiping about someone with a friend, and suddenly that same person walks out of the toilet: awkward! It is not always negative. In our daily lives, karma is about both the act and the result that comes from that act, this is not entirely true. Karma mainly refers to performing acts and not to the consequences of those acts. So it is actually the sum of all your actions and thoughts. This works both to your advantage, but also to your disadvantage. Do you live in a good way and do you perform good deeds? Then you will return to earth better as a person or animal. If you have not led a good life by doing bad things or hurting people, then there is a good chance that a lot will go wrong in your next life. Your status, way of life or health. Not a very nice prospect, right?

That’s how karma works

Of course, there is no invisible person who monitors your actions and thoughts and then determines what you get in return. That person is you. Do you believe yourself that you are worth little, never have any luck and do nothing right? Then there is a big chance that you do not attract people into your life who do think that way. This influences the situation so much that something similar happens again and again and the feeling is relived.


If after the explanation mentioned you think that by pretending to like someone you score karma points, you are unfortunately wrong. You really only score them by being a genuinely good person. So do something good for someone else and you will definitely get it back in the future.





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