This way you prevent sweat spots during the warm weather

“Help, summer is coming and I always sweat so much!” Don’t worry, we got you. Sweating is unavoidable in the summer, but we don’t want to walk around with sweat spots all day long. That’s why we have some tips to prevent those annoying, visible sweat spots during the warm weather.

Also read: Suffering from sweaty feet? This is how you solve it

Airy fabrics

Breathable fabrics are your best friend in the summer. Silk, linen and cotton are the best fabrics to wear in the warm weather. You also want to avoid clothes that are too tight, go for a looser shirt to avoid sweat stains.

The color and print of your clothes

It’s not just the fabric of your clothes that helps avoid visible sweat spots. The color and print of your top also help with this. You can see sweat better in some colors than others. For example, try to avoid gray as much as possible. Black clothes work better if you don’t want those sweat stains visible. You may think that black clothing makes sweat worse, but that’s not true. The black clothes retain your body heat and therefore provide just as good cooling as any other color. Busy prints also camouflage sweat stains well and are perfect for summer.

Anti-transparent deodorant

A good anti-transparent deodorant is a perfect solution to avoid sweat spots this summer. A normal deodorant ensures that you do not smell your sweat and an anti-transparent deodorant reduces the functioning of your sweat glands. Anti-transparent deodorant temporarily closes your pores, so no more sweat spots on your shirts.

Eat and drink healthy

Lots of water is the solution to avoid sweat spots. When you sweat, waste products are removed from your body. This also happens when you drink a lot of water. Not only is it a good solution, it is also healthy. It is better to avoid spicy food and sulphur-containing food such as garlic, leek and onion, as this causes bad odors.

Armpit pads

You place armpit pads in your shirt and they collect your sweat. There are stick-on pads, which you use once and then throw away, and there are pads that you sew into your shirt. Super handy for avoiding sweat spots.

Avoid stress

When you’re stressed about anything, you also sweat more. So try not to stress about small things, find relaxation and let go of work when you are on holiday. That also means no stress about sweat spots, because that’s when they get there.


Shaving does not help reduce your sweat production. It does help with the smell of your sweat. The hair under your armpits retains the odor of sweat, so you smell it more than with shaved armpits. So do you want a less strong sweat odor? Then shaving is certainly a good option.





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