Pietro Lombardi and Dieter Bohlen are very close

Pietro Lombardi and Dieter Bohlen are very close

They searched and found each other. In 2011, Pietro Lombardi (31) won the show Deutschland sucht den Superstar. A few years after his victory, the singer sat behind the jury’s desk and judged the singing talents with other colleagues. Always at his side: DSDS veteran Dieter Bohlen (69), with whom the musician gets along very well. How Peter Now reveals, the two are very close!

An Instagram user wanted to know from the 31-year-old whether the relationship between the two was sincere. “100 percent real,” reply Peter. The father of two can always rely on the pop titan: “I know that I can always count on Dieter can count and he can do the same with me. I think many people simply fake a good relationship for the public.” But with these two it’s different Peter emphasizes: “Dieter and I are friends in front of and behind the camera and actually talk to each other about everything, both privately and professionally.”

That he had his friend’s back Peter already proven. After Dieter shot against Jill Lange (23), Sarah Engels’ ex (31) sided with the producer. “Happy Birthday, Dieter. One team,” wrote Peter under an Instagram picture.

Dieter Bohlen
Dieter Bohlen
Pietro Lombardi during late night shopping in Soltau
Pietro Lombardi during late night shopping in Soltau
Pietro Lombardi with Dieter Bohlen
Pietro Lombardi with Dieter Bohlen





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