This is why you are often awake before the alarm goes off

Do you know that feeling when you are sleeping wonderfully, but then you wake up unexpectedly? You look at the alarm clock and you see that you don’t have to get out of bed for a long time. On the one hand, wonderful, but on the other hand, you may not be able to sleep well anymore. We will explain to you exactly how this works.

Wake up before your alarm clock

You already have a short night and then you wake up before your alarm. Fantastic! It may be that your body has had enough rest and therefore wakes up naturally. Waking up before your alarm clock is not that strange. It’s just not very cool. According to Dr. Sujay, sleep expert and director of the Duke University Pediatric Neurology Sleep Medicine Program, you may also experience irregular sleep. During our REM sleep, the period when we sleep the deepest, our brains are still very active. All it takes is something to happen and you’ll wake up. Consider ambient noise and bright light. You suddenly wake up very tired. Slept in? Oh no way! There are several causes for this.


But why do we wake up before the alarm clock? We have listed the most important causes for you:

  • You’ve had enough sleep. People who are used to not going to bed too late every day are more likely to wake up early than people who go to bed a little later and get up later. They have had enough sleep. A night person is therefore more likely to sleep through the alarm clock. Oopsie. The body needs rest.
  • Initiate circulation. If you suddenly wake up, it may mean that your body needs more exercise to keep circulation going.
  • Full bladder. The older you get, the more often you will have to go to the toilet. People between the ages of 65 and 75 in particular have to get out of bed at least twice to urinate. This really comes with this age.
  • Light and sound. A snoring partner, ambient noise or bright light can wake you from your sleep. Even during our deep sleep. People who already have restless sleep are especially sensitive to this.

Wake up rested

Would you like to wake up rested before the alarm goes off? You can train this in a natural way. The most important thing is to consistently go to bed on time and get up around the same time. Find out how much sleep you need. This may still be a task, because there are many great series on Netflix and Videoland. Evening people would do well to take a morning walk. Bright morning light resets your biological clock. You will get tired sooner in the evening.





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