The visit to Georgia has begun

In the coming days, Willem-Alexander and Máxima will be in the US for a trade mission. First it’s Georgia’s turn, later this week New York.

The working visit underlines the strong bilateral relationship between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States and the economic relations with Georgia and New York State. The United States is the most important non-European partner for the Netherlands in terms of economic ties and security. Close transatlantic relations are essential for maintaining Dutch prosperity. The transatlantic partnership is based on a shared history of four hundred years. With more than five million Americans of Dutch descent, personal and cultural ties are close. Georgia is currently the tenth largest trading partner of the Netherlands in the US and is rapidly emerging. Within this, the capital Atlanta is an important logistics hub, also for the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom. Atlanta stands out as a historic logistics hub with one of the busiest and most efficient airports in the world, measured by the number of passengers handled. Along the coast, the Port of Savannah is the fourth and fastest growing port in North America.

New York, like California and Texas, is important to the Netherlands when it comes to trade and investment interests. The state is home to high-quality knowledge institutions that are a major driver of innovation for global challenges such as the climate and energy transition and digitalization.

When arriving at the airport, Máxima wore her pink pantsuit from Claes Iversen. The image below comes from Vorsten’s Instagram account. Unfortunately, almost no photographers traveled with us, so we will have to make do in terms of images. In any case, we can see moving images via Vorsten.

Máxima previously wore the pantsuit on the Wadden Islands (see photo below) and in Brazil.

Máxima wears her lapwing flowers from Luz Camino in her ears. The widely acclaimed Spanish jewelry designer knows how to capture flora, fauna, flavors (including popcorn), pencil shavings and more in gemstones and precious metals with impressive precision. According to Camino, there is more beauty in the (everyday) things around us than we often realize. Emily Stoehrer of New York Times once wrote about Camino: “A collector will whisper Luz’s name to another jewelry lover as someone you need to know or collect.”





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