Spring is just around the corner: here’s how to get rid of unnecessary items during your spring cleaning

Spring is getting closer. That means it’s almost time for a thorough spring cleaning. This way you enter spring with a clean slate. But how do you actually get rid of unnecessary items? We give you our favorite tips.

First of all, get rid of the things you can no longer use

We often have quite a lot of stuff in our house, and not all of it is still usable. Think of things that are broken or clothes that no longer fit. First check whether the broken objects are really beyond repair. If not, just throw it away. If it is left lying around the house, it will only fill up valuable space.

Reevaluate the things you rarely use

In addition to things that you can no longer use, you probably have things that you rarely use. There are undoubtedly items here that you can get rid of. But there are probably also things that are rarely used and for a good reason. Think of things that you keep for special occasions or specific tools that you don’t need often. So check all items to see if you really need them and when was the last time you used them.

Put doubtful cases out of sight for a while

Do you have some clothes or other items that you are unsure about? Then put them out of sight for a while. Put them in a box in the back of your closet and wait a while. Set a reminder for yourself in your phone for a moment when you can get back on track. Have you missed the stuff in the meantime? Were there any items of clothing you would have liked to wear during that period? You can then safely keep those things. It’s best to get rid of the things you never thought about again. You have proven that you will not miss it.

Get rid of duplicates

You will need multiple copies of some items in your home. Think of plates, glasses and of course cutlery. But some things you really only need one of. For example, do you have two white blouses that are almost the same? Then you can sell or donate one. Find out where the duplicate items are in your house and get rid of the unnecessary ones. As far as we’re concerned, you can really live with one soup spoon, right?





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